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  1. We show our love for Jesus by what we say and do.

  2. We show respect to all, both other students and adults.

  3. We listen when others are speaking and are quiet when others are working.

  4. We do our best and finish our work on time.

  5. We use our words to build others up.

  6. We use our manners and are kind to others.

  7. We raise our hand for permission to speak or leave the room.

  8. We take care of things that belong to others.

  9. We do not throw things and we keep our classroom clean.

  10. We keep our hands and feet to ourselves.


Student planners:

Students will be filling out a daily assignment book to record any homework they have.  All homework is due the next day unless there is a different due date listed.


When should my homework be finished?

Homework should be completed before the start of the school day that it is due.  


Didn’t understand it, and parents couldn’t help?

Homework that is not completed needs to have a note from your parent/guardian stating why it was not completed for that day.  This note should be turned in at the start of the school day.  If you have questions on homework, your parent should try to help you, but if they cannot help enough for you to understand it and complete the work, you still need a note from your parent stating that so it will not be counted late. You need to give your teacher the note at the beginning of the day!


Free time and extra time?  Ask your questions!

If you have any free time before homework is collected, use that time to ask your questions and finish the unfinished assignment.  

Late homework and no note?

Late homework (without a note) will have the earned grade lowered by 10%.  If a student does not finish the work promptly, they may be required to use breaks, recess, gym, or stay after school to finish the late work.


Making late work a habit?

If a student has multiple late assignments in a trimester, a student may be required to stay after school to complete late assignments.  This will be done on a case-by-case basis.


Extra Credit to make up for late work?

Extra credit work will not be given if the student’s grades are low due to late work.

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