Welcome to
Mrs. GeRue's Classes

Class Supply List
2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR
2 Folders (no prong) (poly/plastic)--yellow, red + 2 more any color
1 each wide line notebook--yellow, red + 1 more any color
36 pencils or 12 mechanical pencils (must provide own lead)--You will need more as students use up or lose their supply of pencils.
12+ pencil top erasers
1 small manual pencil sharpener with attached container (for pencil shavings)
2 large pink erasers
2 Black Dry Erase Markers—Fine Tip
1 box markers--classic colors 10 count (thin)
1 box markers--classic colors 10 count (thick)
1 box erasable colored pencils 12 count
1 scissors
2 glue sticks
2 plastic pencil boxes (5” x 8”)
1 zippered pencil pouch--(approx. 7" x 9")
Headphones for computers
Gym shoes with non-marking soles
3 reams (500 sheets) white copy paper (8 ½ x 11)
2 rolls paper towels
2 boxes of Kleenex
3 containers disinfectant wipes
Dress code approved sweater or sweatshirt (to be kept at school)
1 box Ziploc style gallon size bags--Grade 2 only
1 box Ziploc style quart size bags--Grade 3 only
Assignment Book—purchase at school office
In our classroom, we show our love for Jesus by what we say and do. This means we will respect other students and adults. We will use manners and be kind to others. We use our words to build others up, and we look for the good in others. We will do our best and try our hardest. We ask for help when we need it. We help others when they ask. We share God's love with all. If we do or say something wrong, we apologize and ask for forgiveness. When others ask us for forgiveness, we forgive like Jesus forgives us. Then as forgiven children of God, we start over, doing our best to learn from our mistakes and not repeat them.